Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday Poll: When You Buy a Phone, How Long Do You Expect to Receive Updates For?

software updates android 650x432 Saturday Poll:  When You Buy a Phone,  How Long Do You Expect to Receive Updates For?

The never ending hot topic in the Android world is and may always be software updates. We talk about them constantly. Each week we have a different device that is due for one, whether it be an incremental bug fixer or something major like Ice Cream Sandwich. It's a cycle that will be here through the end of time. But how long do you expect to receive them for a particular device and manufacturer? When you bought the Galaxy Nexus, did you ever ask the question, "How long is Google going to supply updates to this phone?" What about the RAZR or Rezound? Is the life of a contract enough or should it be longer?