Thursday, June 14, 2012

Contest: Win an Official Galaxy Nexus Car Dock, Already Modded for LTE Version Fun

nexus car dock 650x432 Contest:  Win an Official Galaxy Nexus Car Dock,   Already Modded for LTE Version Fun

So as most of you know since you watched our "how to" video, I have this official Galaxy Nexus car dock that has already been modified to work with the LTE version. Unfortunately for my LTE Nexus, I'm currently addicted to the HTC One X and will also have a Galaxy SIII in a couple of weeks to play with, so I'd hate to see it sit on a shelf and collect dust.

Well, what better way to fix that problem than by giving it away to a DL community member? These suckers retail for $54 in the Play store, but with shipping and taxes (depending on where you live), they can run you upwards of $70. How about we save one of you that cash to put towards your next full retail phone?