In addition to the utter joy of the Jelly Bean update getting out to select Galaxy S III owners, Samsung has announced its latest roadmap highlighting which additional devices are slated for that buttery goodness. As of right now, Samsung has confirmed 15 of its popular devices will indeed receive the Android 4.1 update either “soon” or at some point in the future:
GALAXY Tab 2 7.0 & 10.1, GALAXY Note 10.1, GALAXY SII, GALAXY Note, GALAXY Tab 7.0 Plus, GALAXY S Advance, GALAXY SII LTE, GALAXY Music, GALAXY Chat, GALAXY Ace 2, GALAXY Beam, GALAXY Ace Plus, GALAXY mini II and GALAXY S DUOS
Most of the devices we see listed shouldn’t be after too much of a surprise. After all, Samsung did say that some devices would skip Ice Cream Sandwich and go straight to Jelly Bean, while other successful devices would without a doubt get the Jelly Bean update. Hopefully owners of some Sammy devices won’t be too scorned since Jelly Bean will not be pushed to those respective devices. But then again, all is not too bad in reality because after all– it could be a lot worse as other manufacturers can attest to.
source: Android Central
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