Monday, February 20, 2012
What is the Android App that allows one to use their mobile internet on their computer?
Question by Ravenholm’s Vendetta: What is the Android App that allows one to use their mobile internet on their computer?
I heard that there is an app in the Android Market that can be downloaded to make your Droid and computer internet one.
Is this true? How does it work? What is it called?
Best answer:
Answer by Ahsan Shabbir
it is’nt an android should have to download pc sucite on your computer or a get an pc suit cd and install pc suite on your computer.then connect your droid with computer through usb cable.then your droid will require the reason for connecting with computer then slect pc suite option on you droid and you are done.know you can use internet and also send sms from your computer to any one.its simple if you can get pc suite cd or software.i have one and i’m enjoying every thing.this can be done from and camera phone.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!