Wednesday, August 22, 2012

XOOM 3G Available for $199 Today From DailySteals

xoom 3g deal 650x319 XOOM 3G Available for $199 Today From DailySteals

Another week, another deal on the Motorola XOOM. This time though, it's the 3G version that you can connect to Verizon's network, should you need to. It's not the 4G LTE enabled version, and probably never will be since those upgrades ended months ago. But no matter what, $199 for a 32GB dual-core tablet is still a pretty good deal. While I would recommend that you skip these every single day of the week and buy a Nexus 7, some of you may prefer the larger 10″ screen (and in this cases 10x heavier) size.

The device itself has been "factory recertified."
