Wednesday, September 19, 2012

[Life Canada] New post in Android videos : Apple fans flood Samsung’s Facebook page

 Apple fans flood Samsung’s Facebook page

Social media is great tool for reaching out to your fans and getting conversations going about your products. On September 6, Samsung asked their fans via their Facebook page “If you could only take one electronic device on to a deserted island, what would it be?” Samsung was probably expecting an internal war between the Galaxy S III and the Galaxy Note II, but Apple fans crashed the party.

In recent days the post has been flooded with comments about the iPhone 5 and iPad. At one point iPhone was mentioned 3,637 of the last 5,000 posts, and Samsung and Galaxy was only mentioned 473 and 378 times respectively. So Apple fans are showing up in large numbers to put a smudge on what should have been a simple Samsung friendly best phone discussion. Apple fans took it as a time to say, “Hey, we like our phones more than yours.” Clearly this tactic backfired on Samsung, but I am sure they have higher hopes for their new commercial showcasing the Galaxy S III, rather than Facebook fans debating over it. If you want to help out the Samsung cause in this war, then click the link below.

Sources: CNet