Saturday, July 21, 2012
Lose It! can help you get the summer body you want
Though you might not know it from looking at me now, I've always struggled with weight. In the summer between high school and college, I topped out at 225 pounds, which with a 6'0″ frame put me square in the "Morbidly Obese" category. I justified my increasing weight and waistline by my athletic physique; after all, I played a multitude of sports in high school, but I was more of a David Ortiz than a Jose Bautista (a chubby guy who could hit home runs instead of a lean, mean, fighting machine).
My transition started that fall. I had chosen a college close to home, mostly due to the fact that my mother was seriously ill and I wanted to be close to her in case she needed extra care. She ended up passing away over the summer, leaving me at a school I didn't really want to attend, with classes so easy I had significant amounts of free time. Sure, I partied a lot–San Diego State is a party school, after all–but I also hit the gym. 6 days per week. 2 hours per day. Over about 12 months and with no small amount of sweat, blood, and pain, I had dropped to a lean 165, and fell in love with my body.
Of course, the working world has a way of letting the pounds add up. In the fall of 2011, I was back up at 195-200, a full 30-35 pounds heavier than at my ideal weight. Problems were adding up; asthma made a reappearance, allergy issues I hadn't faced in years reared their ugly heads once more, and I felt like a lug. I knew