Monday, July 16, 2012
Verizon’s Galaxy S3 Does Simultaneous Voice and Data Over 3G
Just over a year ago, Verizon did not have a single phone that was able to utilize a data connection while on a call with a 3G signal. We call this simultaneous voice/data, something that the HTC Thunderbolt was the first to take advantage of. As of today, we know that the Rezound is capable of this as well, and would assume the new Incredible 4G can too, but what about the Galaxy S3? Can the hottest Android phone on the planet browse the web while you sit through an hour long conference call in the middle of no where? It appears as if it can.
This morning, using our 4G LTE off trick, I placed a call over 3G and was able to jump right onto the Droid Life site without a hiccup. Since the phone uses a Qualcomm chipset, which we would assume includes one of their modems, this shouldn't come as a complete surprise. Qualcomm also produced the modems in those HTC devices that we named previously.
While Verizon's 4G LTE blanket over this country grows by the day, at least you know that in 3G-only areas, you will have a trick up your sleeve.
Cheers Michael!