Saturday, July 21, 2012
This Week in the Life of DROID: 7/20/2012
Another week has come to a close in the Android universe, but if there is anything to take away from it, it's that the 16GB Nexus 7 was in high demand from day 1. After some interesting mix-ups in shipping, Google has finally shipped almost all of the initial orders. AT&T announced their new shared data plans, which T-Mobile publicly hated on. There is a Galaxy S3 update coming to Verizon customers that helps to kill off innovation as we know it. The LG Vu, aka the worst device of the last 5 years, was pictured with Verizon branding. Lastly, we dove into whether or not the Galaxy Nexus on Big Red will receive Jelly Bean. No spoiler alert needed.
Here are the week's highlights if you missed them:
Have a great weekend!